How it Works: Osteopathy Clinic Appointments

Initial Consultation. Up to 50 minutes. We will take the necessary time to fully understand the history of the condition and any underlying complications. We complete a full case history which includes information about the problem that has brought you to me, as well your previous medical history.

You will receive a treatment at your first appointment. Depending on the nature of the injury/condition the first treatment may be conservative. This is so that we can understand how your body may react to the treatment provided.

Examination. Obviously this does depend on what is being treated. The examination routine will involve a combination of joint movement and palpation. Other clinical tests may also be used, such as: Blood Pressure, Neurological tests, Reflexes, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Abdominal tests.

Occasionally, you may be referred back to your GP or a medical specialist for further tests, if there is any doubt about the cause of your symptoms.

What to Wear. Running shorts or cycling shorts and a running top or sports bra are perfectly suitable - but ultimately wear something that you find comfortable. To make a full assessment, it is very helpful if your whole spine and posture can be seen. Please speak to us if you are worried about this.

Follow up Treatment. 30-40mins (dependent on the injury). We will conduct a review of your progress and carry out any further examinations, as required. Treatment will then be given in line with the treatment plan. In many cases, as patients come to the end of their treatment, a bespoke exercise plan will be defined to help maintain your health in the future. Obviously this varies for each patient but this is often a great way for you to progress your fitness and avoid future problems.

At the end of their treatment plan, many patients have a final appointment to be taken through their exercise plan and help set them on their way.